(DB) Doc in a Box System
The DB vial contains all the harmonics of the following 21 HALO vials: AE, A-V, DX, EMN, EZ, F, Lymes, L1, L2, L3, PP, P, SS, WN, BB, SB, KS, LS, WL and the newly developed EMF (anti-electromagnetic frequency) and AR (anti-radiation) Systems.

(DTX) Detox System
Botanical extracts and amino acid complexes to assist the body with systemic detoxification (alone or in combination with other detoxification therapies). The Detox vial was engineered with natural substances to assist the body in removing harmful substances such as toxins and cell waste.
The DETOX System includes a wide range of powerful botanicals that have been specifically sourced and formu- lated to help assist the body in eliminating toxins, overall systemic clean-up as well as heavy metal elimination. Each botanical was chosen for its ability to stimulate physical detoxing leaving the bio-system energized and optimized. The origin of many of the herbal extracts used in the DETOX System come from Chinese Traditional Medicine, Indian Ayurveda Medicine and other South East Asian traditional medicine practices.

(DHX) Diabetes, Herpes, Pox System
Diabetes – Provides harmonics designed to provide the body with energies to normalize insulin uptake and utilization. Also supports normal sugar metabolism.

As a holistic solution, we were sure to use all parts of each ingredient, including roots, leaves, stems and fruits in order to confirm that we’ve extracted all of the beneficial properties entirely.
Herpes Simplex Type 1 and Type 2 - Provides harmonics designed to treat dormancy or flair-ups of HSV-1 and HSV-2
Pox – Provides harmonics designed to help the body with antiviral, anti-itch energies and help alleviate pain, fever and infections.
It contains the systems Hair, Skin, Nails, Rejuv & Glow all in one vial.

(EN) Envision System
The Envision System provides botanical harmonics that stimulate the pineal gland and other mind systems to all for the deepest levels of cellular connection and "mind expansion”.

(EMN) Emotional, Mental, Neural System
This system is designed to provide support for individuals seeking healing on emotional, mental, and neural levels.

(EC) Esthetics Complex System
It offers help to people focus on their well-being and address any underlying issues that may be impacting their overall health. Whether someone is dealing with past traumas, managing stress and anxiety, or looking to improve their cognitive function, this system can offer personalized resources and guidance to aid in their healing journey. By targeting these specific areas, individuals can work towards achieving greater emotional stability, mental clarity, and neural balance. With its focus on holistic healing, this system aims to empower individuals to take control of their emotional, mental, and neural health, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
(F) Facial System
This system is used for the purpose of:
Neck Slimming
Cellular Renewal Anti-wrinkle, tighten & lift

NOTE: See User Guidelines and Manuals for detailed information on the different systems.

The GI System has been designed to address all gastrointestinal issues and to soothe and calm the entire digestive system.
(GI) Gastro-Intestinal System
GI provides healing harmonics so the cells and structures of the gastrointestinal tract can heal and repair themselves as quickly as possible.
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Transforming Health with Light and Botanicals