The UL System contains the most powerful Traditional Chinese Medicinal anticancer & anti-tumor botanicals and medicinal mushrooms ever assembled in one formula. It has been engineered to provide harmonics to assist the body in fighting and healing itself from foreign invaders, like cancer.

What makes this particular system both unique and effective, is its ability to not only fight, but to renew the body. This potent system is just what the body needs to help accomplish body harmony and restore health.
(UV) Ultimate Viral System
The Ultimate Viral chemistry solution is a combination from previous generation HALO systems:

(UL) Ultimate Longevity System
When you are dealing with cancer, the first thing you need to do is of course to stop the spread and fight off the cancer cells. Next, your body needs the opportunity to recover. The UL System is a botanical superstar that can assist do both.
The Ultimate Viral System contains powerful anti-viral and anti-pathogenic botanicals designed to provide your body with natural immune system support. Our unique system naturally aids in your body’s recovery process as it fends off viral infections, and it lends critical support to your immune system to ensure that you feel minimal symptoms from viruses like the flu and other infections.
Ultimate-Viral – Regulates viral infections, and other viral disorders. Supports immune system:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Fever Recovery
Appetite improvement
Asthma, Lung & Nasal Congestion
Sore Throat/Swollen neck glands
Weak and sore muscles
Helps normalize body temperature
Viral infections
Herpes Simplex Type I & II
Coughs, Cold and Flu
Sinus Disease
Supports the Immune System
(VD) Viral Defense System
I think what is understood does not need to be spoken. The biggest currently recognized acute health challenge just might be viral in nature. The body needs all the help it can get to shield against contracting viral infections and to effectively combat them if it becomes infected. Viral Defense is the most comprehensive anti-viral System yet formulated.

(WL) Weight Loss System
This system is designed to help with:

NOTE: See User Guidelines and Manuals for detailed information on the different systems.

(WH) Wound Healing System
Designed to flood the body with multiple botanical harmonic energies for all types of skin, organ, tendon and bone healing. Focus the light directly on the body area of desired wound healing or use sublingually for an overall systemic approach. Charge into your HALO water and drink your healing energies for your utmost convenience. You may also charge these powerful energies into water and place in a body mister or sprayer and apply directly to the area(s) desired.
(WS) Water Structure System

Structures water into double helix structures for the ultimate in cellular hydration, immune boosting, mental clarity and many other superior benefits. You may charge any amount of HALO Systems into your water after using the Water Structure vial or tube and enjoy a multiverse of systemic benefits.
Appetite Control
Fat Burning
Sustainable Energy
Well Being
Halo structured water helps with detoxification. Water restructuring takes place at a molecular level and once structured you can add any vial you have and "drink to your health".
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Transforming Health with Light and Botanicals